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Eco-Stim Energy Solutions, Inc. (ESES)

05/04/2019NICKOLATOS ALEXANDERInt Pres & CEO, CFO & DirectorPayment of ExerciseCommon Stock4.7k$0.00$0 05/04/2019
01/17/2019NICKOLATOS ALEXANDERInt Pres & CEO, CFO & DirectorPayment of ExerciseCommon Stock13k$0.03$324.3 01/17/2019
01/17/2019EKSTRAND BARRY BCOOPayment of ExerciseCommon Stock9.3k$0.03$231.6 01/17/2019
11/04/2018EKSTRAND BARRY BCOOPayment of ExerciseCommon Stock4.6k$0.20$899.5 11/04/2018
11/04/2018NICKOLATOS ALEXANDERInt Pres & CEO, CFO & DirectorPayment of ExerciseCommon Stock15.2k$0.20$3k 11/04/2018
09/28/2018Boswell Jon ChristopherPresident and CEOPayment of ExerciseCommon Stock82.2k$0.28$23k 09/28/2018
07/17/2018Boswell Jon ChristopherPresident and CEOGrantCommon Stock200k$0.00$0 07/17/2018
07/17/2018Boswell Jon ChristopherPresident and CEOGrantCommon Stock100k$0.00$0 07/17/2018
07/17/2018EKSTRAND BARRY BCOOGrantCommon Stock125k$0.00$0 07/17/2018
07/17/2018NICKOLATOS ALEXANDERInt Pres & CEO, CFO & DirectorGrantCommon Stock175k$0.00$0 07/17/2018
07/17/2018NICKOLATOS ALEXANDERInt Pres & CEO, CFO & DirectorGrantCommon Stock100k$0.00$0 07/17/2018
07/17/2018NICKOLATOS ALEXANDERInt Pres & CEO, CFO & DirectorGrantCommon Stock75k$0.00$0 07/17/2018
07/17/2018Fernandez Carlos AExecutive Vice PresidentGrantCommon Stock200k$0.00$0 07/17/2018
05/04/2018NICKOLATOS ALEXANDERInt Pres & CEO, CFO & DirectorPayment of ExerciseCommon Stock16.5k$1.01$16.7k 05/04/2018
05/04/2018EKSTRAND BARRY BCOOPayment of ExerciseCommon Stock5.6k$1.01$5.6k 05/04/2018
05/04/2018Boswell Jon ChristopherPresident and CEOPayment of ExerciseCommon Stock16.9k$1.01$17.1k 05/04/2018
03/29/2018FIR TREE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LP10% OwnerGrantSeries A Convertible Preferred Stock ("Preferred Stock")10k$1,000.00$10MSee footnote03/29/2018
12/18/2017Stewart Brian RDirectorGrantCommon Stock300k$0.00$0 12/18/2017
11/08/2017Bruheim BjarteDirectorGrantCommon Stock67.6k$1.48$100k 11/08/2017
11/08/2017Snyder Todd RDirectorGrantCommon Stock67.6k$1.48$100k 11/08/2017
11/08/2017Reynolds Timothy LincolnDirectorGrantCommon Stock67.6k$1.48$100k 11/08/2017
11/08/2017Stewart Brian RDirectorGrantCommon Stock67.6k$1.48$100k 11/08/2017
11/08/2017Krummel Christopher ADirectorGrantCommon Stock67.6k$1.48$100k 11/08/2017
11/04/2017Boswell Jon ChristopherPresident and CEOPayment of ExerciseCommon Stock18.8k$1.45$27.3k 11/04/2017
11/04/2017NICKOLATOS ALEXANDERInt Pres & CEO, CFO & DirectorPayment of ExerciseCommon Stock17.1k$1.45$24.8k 11/04/2017
08/02/2017FIR TREE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LP10% OwnerGrantCommon Stock, $0.001 par value per share ("Common Stock")9.5M$1.43$13.5MSee footnote08/02/2017
08/01/2017Stoltz Donald IIIDirectorGrantCommon Stock1.9M$1.43$2.8MBy Argentina Fund 208/01/2017
07/06/2017Stoltz Donald IIIDirectorGrantCommon Stock1000k$1.50$1.5MBy Argentina Fund 207/06/2017
06/15/2017NICKOLATOS ALEXANDERInt Pres & CEO, CFO & DirectorGrantCommon Stock250k$0.00$0 06/15/2017
06/15/2017NICKOLATOS ALEXANDERInt Pres & CEO, CFO & DirectorGrantStock Option450k$1.41$634.5k 06/15/2017
06/15/2017NICKOLATOS ALEXANDERInt Pres & CEO, CFO & DirectorGrantStock Option100k$2.00$200k 06/15/2017
06/15/2017NICKOLATOS ALEXANDERInt Pres & CEO, CFO & DirectorGrantStock Option100k$2.50$250k 06/15/2017
06/15/2017NICKOLATOS ALEXANDERInt Pres & CEO, CFO & DirectorGrantCommon Stock250k$0.00$0 06/15/2017
06/15/2017NICKOLATOS ALEXANDERInt Pres & CEO, CFO & DirectorGrantStock Option450k$1.41$634.5k 06/15/2017
06/15/2017NICKOLATOS ALEXANDERInt Pres & CEO, CFO & DirectorGrantStock Option100k$2.00$200k 06/15/2017
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