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Excel Trust, Inc. (EXL)

07/31/2015STALEY WARREN RDirectorDispositionCommon Stock21.1k$15.85$334.3k 07/31/2015
07/31/2015SABIN GARY BChairman of the Board / CEODispositionCommon Stock419.2k$15.85$6.6M 07/31/2015
07/31/2015SABIN GARY BChairman of the Board / CEODispositionCommon Stock595.4k$15.85$9.4MGary B. Sabin Family Trust dated May 20, 198207/31/2015
07/31/2015SABIN GARY BChairman of the Board / CEODispositionCommon Operating Partnership Units471.4k$0.00$0Gary B. Sabin Family Trust dated May 20, 198207/31/2015
07/31/2015Plumb Spencer GPresident and COODispositionCommon Stock115k$15.85$1.8M 07/31/2015
07/31/2015NAKAGAWA JAMES YCFO and TreasurerDispositionCommon Stock125.9k$15.85$2M 07/31/2015
07/31/2015NAKAGAWA JAMES YCFO and TreasurerDispositionCommon Operating Partnership Units56.6k$0.00$0 07/31/2015
07/31/2015BURTON MARK TCIO, SVP - AcquisitionsDispositionCommon Stock114.1k$15.85$1.8M 07/31/2015
07/31/2015BURTON MARK TCIO, SVP - AcquisitionsDispositionCommon Operating Partnership Units56.6k$0.00$0 07/31/2015
07/31/2015OTTESEN S ERICSVP, GC and SecretaryDispositionCommon Stock108k$15.85$1.7M 07/31/2015
07/31/2015OTTESEN S ERICSVP, GC and SecretaryDispositionCommon Operating Partnership Units56.6k$0.00$0 07/31/2015
07/31/2015OTTESEN S ERICSVP, GC and SecretaryDispositionCommon Stock108k$15.85$1.7M 07/31/2015
07/31/2015OTTESEN S ERICSVP, GC and SecretaryDispositionCommon Operating Partnership Units56.6k$0.00$0 07/31/2015
07/31/2015Blakley Bruce GDirectorDispositionCommon Stock19.8k$15.85$313.8k 07/31/2015
07/31/2015Blakley Bruce GDirectorDispositionCommon Stock1.3k$15.85$20.5kBruce B. Blakley, Trustee of the Blakley Family 2001 Trust dated May 10, 200107/31/2015
07/31/2015East Burland BDirectorDispositionCommon Stock21.1k$15.85$334.3k 07/31/2015
07/31/2015PARSONS ROBERT E JRDirectorDispositionCommon Stock43.6k$15.85$690.9k 07/31/2015
07/28/2015BURTON MARK TCIO, SVP - AcquisitionsGiftCommon Stock15.2k$0.00$0 07/31/2015
07/28/2015SABIN GARY BChairman of the Board / CEOGiftCommon Stock72.9k$0.00$0 07/31/2015
07/27/2015Plumb Spencer GPresident and COOGiftCommon Stock17k$0.00$0 07/31/2015
07/27/2015OTTESEN S ERICSVP, GC and SecretaryGiftCommon Stock19k$0.00$0 07/31/2015
07/27/2015OTTESEN S ERICSVP, GC and SecretaryGiftCommon Stock19k$0.00$0 07/31/2015
05/04/2015Blakley Bruce GDirectorGrantCommon Stock3.1k$0.00$0 05/04/2015
05/04/2015East Burland BDirectorGrantCommon Stock3.1k$0.00$0 05/04/2015
05/04/2015PARSONS ROBERT E JRDirectorGrantCommon Stock3.1k$0.00$0 05/04/2015
05/04/2015STALEY WARREN RDirectorGrantCommon Stock3.1k$0.00$0 05/04/2015
01/13/2015SABIN GARY BChairman of the Board / CEOGrantCommon Stock48k$0.00$0 01/13/2015
01/13/2015SABIN GARY BChairman of the Board / CEOGrantCommon Stock46k$0.00$0 01/13/2015
01/13/2015SABIN GARY BChairman of the Board / CEOGrantCommon Stock46k$0.00$0 01/13/2015
01/13/2015SABIN GARY BChairman of the Board / CEOGrantCommon Stock48k$0.00$0 01/13/2015
01/13/2015NAKAGAWA JAMES YCFO and TreasurerGrantCommon Stock11.7k$0.00$0 01/13/2015
01/13/2015Plumb Spencer GPresident and COOGrantCommon Stock11.7k$0.00$0 01/13/2015
01/13/2015Plumb Spencer GPresident and COOGrantCommon Stock11.7k$0.00$0 01/13/2015
01/13/2015BURTON MARK TCIO, SVP - AcquisitionsGrantCommon Stock11.7k$0.00$0 01/13/2015
01/13/2015OTTESEN S ERICSVP, GC and SecretaryGrantCommon Stock11.7k$0.00$0 01/13/2015
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