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Midway Gold Corp (MDW)

04/01/2015HALE MARTIN M JR10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares, no par value (the "Common Shares")3.7M$0.00$0See footnote04/01/2015
04/01/2015INV-MID, LLC10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares, no par value (the "Common Shares")2M$0.00$0See footnote04/01/2015
01/02/2015INV-MID, LLC10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares, no par value (the "Common Shares")862.8k$0.00$0See footnote01/02/2015
01/02/2015HALE MARTIN M JR10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares, no par value (the "Common Shares")1.6M$0.00$0See footnote01/02/2015
12/11/2014Brunk Kenneth Arnold GrantStock Option (right to buy)100k$0.75$75k 12/11/2014
12/11/2014Blacketor Bradley J.CFOGrantStock Option (right to buy)200k$0.75$150k 12/11/2014
12/10/2014Zisch William MPresident & CEOGrantStock Option (right to buy)1000k$0.75$750k 12/10/2014
12/10/2014Zisch William MPresident & CEOGrantStock Option (right to buy)757.6k$0.75$568.2k 12/10/2014
11/10/2014Sheridan John WilliamDirectorPurchaseCommon Stock10k$0.80$8k 11/10/2014
10/01/2014INV-MID, LLC10% OwnerGrant 613.9k$0.00$0See footnote10/01/2014
10/01/2014HALE MARTIN M JR10% OwnerGrant 1.2M$0.00$0See footnote10/01/2014
08/18/2014HADDON TIMOTHY JDirectorGrantStock Option (right to buy)350k$0.99$346.5k 08/18/2014
08/14/2014Brunk Kenneth Arnold GrantStock Option (right to buy)250k$0.91$227.5k 08/14/2014
08/14/2014Blacketor Bradley J.CFOGrantStock Option (right to buy)162.9k$0.91$148.2k 08/14/2014
08/14/2014Sheridan John WilliamDirectorGrantStock Option (Right to Buy)63.6k$0.91$57.9k 08/14/2014
08/14/2014SAWCHAK RICHARDDirectorGrantStock Option (right to buy)250k$0.91$227.5k 08/14/2014
08/14/2014Yu FrankDirectorGrantStock Option (Right to Buy)63.6k$0.91$57.9k 08/14/2014
07/02/2014INV-MID, LLC10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares, no par value (the "Common Shares")701.6k$0.00$0See footnote07/02/2014
07/02/2014HALE MARTIN M JR10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares, no par value (the "Common Shares")1.3M$0.00$0See footnote07/02/2014
06/17/2014HALE MARTIN M JR10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares, no par value (the "Common Shares")381.7k$0.00$0See footnote06/17/2014
06/17/2014INV-MID, LLC10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares, no par value (the "Common Shares")201.7k$0.00$0See footnote06/17/2014
06/06/2014INV-MID, LLC10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares, no par value (the "Common Shares")1.8M$0.00$0See footnote06/06/2014
06/06/2014HALE MARTIN M JR10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares, no par value (the "Common Shares")3.4M$0.00$0See footnote06/06/2014
06/06/2014HALE MARTIN M JR10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares1.5M$0.83$1.3MSee footnote06/06/2014
06/06/2014Brunk Kenneth Arnold PurchaseCommon Stock120.5k$0.83$100k 06/06/2014
04/01/2014HALE MARTIN M JR10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares, no par value (the "Common Shares")1.1M$0.00$0See footnote04/01/2014
04/01/2014INV-MID, LLC10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares, no par value (the "Common Shares")594.7k$0.00$0See footnote04/01/2014
03/25/2014KNUTSON RODNEY DDirectorGrantStock Option (right to buy)250k$0.00$0 03/25/2014
01/06/2014Yu FrankDirectorExerciseCommon Stock200k$0.56$112k 01/06/2014
01/06/2014Yu FrankDirectorSaleCommon Stock130k$0.86$111.3k 01/06/2014
01/06/2014Yu FrankDirectorExerciseStock Option (Right to Buy)200k$0.00$0 01/06/2014
01/02/2014HALE MARTIN M JR10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares, no par value (the "Common Shares")1.5M$0.00$0See footnote01/02/2014
01/02/2014INV-MID, LLC10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares, no par value (the "Common Shares")788.2k$0.00$0See footnote01/02/2014
12/05/2013Blacketor Bradley J.CFOGrantStock Option (right to buy)200k$0.80$160k 12/05/2013
10/02/2013INV-MID, LLC10% OwnerGrantCommon Shares, no par value (the "Common Shares")668.5k$0.00$0See footnote10/02/2013
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