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08/17/2023STEINWERT KENT APresident/CEOGiftCommon Stock10$0.00$0 08/17/2023
08/10/2023James Craig W.DirectorPurchaseCommon Stock50$965.00$48.2k 08/10/2023
01/17/2023HALEY STEPHEN WExec Vice PresidentDispositionCommon Stock311$1,025.00$318.8kHeld in grantor trusts est. in connection with Co's non-Qualified Exec Retirement Plan01/17/2023
09/16/2022Misasi J. RyanExecutive Vice PresidentGrantCommon Stock85$934.17$79.4kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual retirement plan06/23/2022
09/16/2022James Craig W.DirectorGrantCommon Stock37$934.17$34.6kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Ret Plan09/16/2022
09/16/2022CORUM EDWARD JRDirectorGrantCommon Stock37$934.17$34.6kheld in grantor trusts est. in connection with the Co's non-Qual Exec Plan09/16/2022
09/16/2022Zitterow DavidExecutive Vice PresidentGrantCommon Stock85$934.17$79.4kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Retirement Plan09/16/2022
09/16/2022SANGUINETTI KEVINDirectorGrantCommon Stock37$934.17$34.6kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Retirement Plan09/16/2022
09/16/2022HALEY STEPHEN WExec Vice PresidentGrantCommon Stock85$934.17$79.4kHeld in grantor trusts est. in connection with Co's non-Qualified Exec Retirement Plan09/16/2022
09/16/2022Colombini Jay JExecutive Vice PresidentGrantCommon Stock85$934.17$79.4kHeld in grantor trusts est. in connection with Co's Non-Qualified Exec Retirement Plan09/16/2022
06/23/2022SKINNER DEBORAH EExecutive Vice PresidentGrantCommon Stock85$934.17$79.4kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Retirement Plan09/16/2022
06/23/2022SUESS CALVIN JDirectorGrantCommon Stock33$952.31$31.4kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Retirement Plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022Long Gary J.DirectorGrantCommon Stock34$925.00$31.4kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-qual retirement plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022SKINNER DEBORAH EExecutive Vice PresidentGrantCommon Stock86$925.00$79.6kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Retirement Plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022Colombini Jay JExecutive Vice PresidentGrantCommon Stock84$952.31$80kHeld in grantor trusts est. in connection with Co's Non-Qualified Exec Retirement Plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022CORUM EDWARD JRDirectorGrantCommon Stock33$952.31$31.4kheld in grantor trusts est. in connection with the Co's non-Qual Exec Plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022Green Steven K.DirectorGrantCommon Stock33$952.31$31.4kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's non-qual exec plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022SANGUINETTI KEVINDirectorGrantCommon Stock33$952.31$31.4kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Retirement Plan06/22/2022
06/23/2022Misasi J. RyanExecutive Vice PresidentGrantCommon Stock86$925.00$79.6kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual retirement plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022SANGUINETTI KEVINDirectorGrantCommon Stock34$925.00$31.4kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Retirement Plan06/22/2022
06/23/2022SANGUINETTI KEVINDirectorGrantCommon Stock33$952.31$31.4kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Retirement Plan06/22/2022
06/23/2022Misasi J. RyanExecutive Vice PresidentGrantCommon Stock84$952.31$80kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual retirement plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022SKINNER DEBORAH EExecutive Vice PresidentGrantCommon Stock84$952.31$80kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Retirement Plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022Long Gary J.DirectorGrantCommon Stock33$952.31$31.4kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-qual retirement plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022James Craig W.DirectorGrantCommon Stock26$952.31$24.8kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Ret Plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022CORUM EDWARD JRDirectorGrantCommon Stock34$925.00$31.4kheld in grantor trusts est. in connection with the Co's non-Qual Exec Plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022Colombini Jay JExecutive Vice PresidentGrantCommon Stock86$925.00$79.6kHeld in grantor trusts est. in connection with Co's Non-Qualified Exec Retirement Plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022Green Steven K.DirectorGrantCommon Stock34$925.00$31.4kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's non-qual exec plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022James Craig W.DirectorGrantCommon Stock27$925.00$25kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Ret Plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022SANGUINETTI KEVINDirectorGrantCommon Stock34$925.00$31.4kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Retirement Plan06/22/2022
06/23/2022SUESS CALVIN JDirectorGrantCommon Stock34$925.00$31.4kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Retirement Plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022Zitterow DavidExecutive Vice PresidentGrantCommon Stock73$952.31$69.5kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Retirement Plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022HALEY STEPHEN WExec Vice PresidentOther (disposition)Common Stock311$925.00$287.7k 06/23/2022
06/23/2022HALEY STEPHEN WExec Vice PresidentGrantCommon Stock395$952.31$376.2kHeld in grantor trusts est. in connection with Co's non-Qualified Exec Retirement Plan06/23/2022
06/23/2022Young Terrence ADirectorGrantCommon Stock26$952.31$24.8kheld in grantor trusts est in connection with the Co's Non-Qual Retirement Plan06/23/2022
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